Tag Archives: ang cho

Boat Fishing. It’s been a while.

Shawn/ August 18, 2015/ Uncategorised/ 4 comments

A friend’s birthday was around the corner so he decided to treat us all to a boat fishing trip. It’s not that unusual. Men have been paying for the pleasure of other people’s company since the dawn of time itself. Lol. Sorry bro. I couldn’t help it. I was late. It didn’t help that I parked at the opposite end

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Native League 2014 – Day 2

Shawn/ January 2, 2015/ Uncategorised/ 0 comments

Day 2 came hot off the heels of a tiring work week but luckily my work finished early on Friday. Still didn’t get enough sleep though. The briefing was much shorter this day. Everyone save for one was on time so we didn’t wait for him. Sadly though, he was supposed to buy the prawns for his team mate so

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Tanjung Pinang Expedition (3 days, 2 nights)

Shawn/ September 29, 2012/ Uncategorised/ 7 comments

[Warning: This post may take a while to load.] There were countless sea tales told by many-a-scallywag, tales of seas awash with the golden glow of the setting sun reflecting off an orgy of fish. Expectedly, there was immense anticipation for this trip. Entire companies went on forced leave, old ladies began to report more and more missing jewelry, loved

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