Tag Archives: camping

Kayak Camping with Nick – Updated

Shawn/ August 7, 2016/ Uncategorised/ 0 comments

Edit: Post has been updated because I found a few more pictures. Having seen the potential in the adventure that Hendrik and I had had previously, Nick was keen to experience one himself. So he and I hatched a plan for another kayak camping trip. Hendrik, unfortunately, was unable to join. Like my previous camping trip, this one did not

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Camping & Fishing @ Mamam

Shawn/ August 15, 2015/ Uncategorised/ 1 comments

Almost everyone was late, some more than others. I myself was late by about 5 minutes. Eventually, after some of the shared weight had been distributed somewhat evenly, we gathered for the pre-launch photograph. Most of us at least. In attendance were Hermann, Hendrik, Titi, Fendy, Omar, and obviously, your’s truly. Along and (unconfirmed right up till the moment he reached Mamam) Mael would be joining us later. Much to Omar’s and Fendy’s annoyance, there was effectively no wind during the launch.

Pulau Jong

Shawn/ May 2, 2015/ Uncategorised/ 0 comments

First: a disclaimer. I haven’t actually been here though I did pass it a few times. I was looking for islands that I didn’t know about while doing some research for places to camp, somewhere coastal (for the fishing) and somewhere relatively secluded (because setting up camp at East Coast Park kinda defeats the purpose of connecting with nature). As

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