Tag Archives: peacock bass

Ops Enter Exeunt 2017

Shawn/ March 1, 2017/ Uncategorised/ 0 comments

Where do I even begin. It’s been so long since my last luring trip. Maybe I should begin by saying no fish were landed by Nigel or me. We spent most of the day exploring. Nigel texted me out of the blue with: What followed was a long debate about where to go with the usual injections of FUD by

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Back to basics. Ops Sangraal.

Shawn/ February 11, 2016/ Uncategorised/ 2 comments

So as you may or may not have noticed I’ve recently taken quite a liking to Kayak Camping. There’s kayaking, there’s fishing, and there’s camping. What’s not to like?! I haven’t made a post about it (or indeed any other posts yet) because I’ve got it all on youtube. So head on over and subscribe! Sometime in November Nigel and

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Ops Sangraal. 10 months later

Shawn/ October 28, 2014/ Uncategorised/ 0 comments

Hot off the heels of the Native Fishing League, and after our first foray into power boating our way to fishing Nirvana (or as it turned out, simply another day of fishing in Singapore), came this semi impromptu luring expedition. As is almost always the case, soft plans were made the night before. Something like, Nigel: “Tmr Sangraal?” Me: “Possibly.

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