Tag Archives: diamond trevally

Kayak Fishing @ NSRCC with Hermann, Ipen, Isa, Omar

Shawn/ April 5, 2016/ Uncategorised/ 0 comments

The day began fairly early. Omar had been keen to try kayak fishing at NSRCC after hearing about the adventures that Nordin and I had been having. As he did not have a proper roof rack yet, he chartered a lorry and offered up the remaining space to the rest of the gang for free. I was adamant that I

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Boat Fishing. It’s been a while.

Shawn/ August 18, 2015/ Uncategorised/ 4 comments

A friend’s birthday was around the corner so he decided to treat us all to a boat fishing trip. It’s not that unusual. Men have been paying for the pleasure of other people’s company since the dawn of time itself. Lol. Sorry bro. I couldn’t help it. I was late. It didn’t help that I parked at the opposite end

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Kayaking with Bob & Ryan

Shawn/ August 14, 2015/ Uncategorised/ 0 comments

It was a long time since I had fished/kayaked with both Bob and Ryan. They had launched the night before. So being sane, and thus treasuring my sleep, I joined them the next morning. Alas, when I met up with them, they were about to call it a day. We hung around for a bit and in just 2 metres

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